Established in 2007 by the European Commission and several EU Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. In Chad only 1 in 20 people have electricity. The EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (€ 393 million) was set up by the European Commission (€ 309 million from the European Commission and € 84 million from EU Member States) as a regional loan grant blending instrument of the EU-Africa Partnership on Infrastructure.It was aimed to support the implementation of this partnership. Transparency, accountability and access to information, Taxation: avoiding misuse of EIB Group operations, Intermediated loans for SMEs, mid-caps and other priorities, Investments in infrastructure and environmental funds, Guarantees in support of SMEs, mid-caps and other objectives, EU Trade and Competitiveness Programme in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, Connecting Europe Facility Debt Instrument, EIB in the Mediterranean partner countries*, The EIB in the Eastern neighbourhood countries, The EIB in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, Economic conferences and research networks, Open learning: resources for learners and researchers, Risk Capital Facility for the Southern Neighbourhood, Private Finance for Energy Efficiency (PF4EE), EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund Annual Report 2019, Clean water, better health: Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Programme, Coronavirus pandemic: All about the EIB Group’s response. EU-AITF contributors are making a difference to infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Established within the framework of the EU’s response to the 2005 Gleneagles Declaration on Africa, the Trust Fund facilitates support for infrastructure projects with a cross-border or regional impact in sub-Saharan Africa and is managed by the European Investment Bank. 06 EU-AITF in numbers. In 2019, i.e. Muitos exemplos de traduções com "eu-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund" – Dicionário português-inglês e busca em milhões de traduções. The EU-AITF’s main objective is to promote investment in infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa1through various forms of grants, which are blended with long-term investments by selected development finance institutions. The ITF Governance Structure @ macro level. Over 4 million households in sub-Saharan Africa benefitting from electricity, Building digital connections with some 12,000 kilometres of internet cables installed, Safe drinking water for some 700,000 households in the region. Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Republic, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund: Working Procedures . European Investment Bank 3 Breakdown of the EIB’s capital. Thank you for subscribing to the European Investment Bank’s monthly newsletter. Our website uses anonymised cookies to give you the best browser experience and to collect aggregated statistics. Donor-financed operations make a direct contribution to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ernst & Young was engaged to conduct the mid-term evaluation of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. European Commission - Press Release details page - Brussels, 4 March 2010 In 2009, a total of 11 grant operations were approved by the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund to build large-scale energy, transport and information and communication technology infrastructures of regional importance across Africa. the eu-africa infrastructure t rust fund Annual Report 2017 Joint Foreword by the EIB President and the European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development EU-AITF operations are financed by the European Commission, United Kingdom and 12 EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Together with the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (ITF) and Lux-Development (Lux-Dev), ESA is pleased to announce the second Invitation to Tender (ITT) within the eHSA programme addressing healthcare governance aspects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Established in 2007 by the European Commission and several EU Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) provides grant support for infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of reducing poverty and fostering economic growth in the region. European Investment Bank 2 THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK. The EU-AITF provides four types of grant support: technical assistance, investment grants, interest rate subsidies and financial instruments. The EIB is responsible for the financial management of the trust fund and hosts its Secretariat. THE EU-AFRICA INFRASTRUCTURE TRUST FUND T he objective of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF), as an instrument of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Partnership, is to help alleviate poverty and stimulate economic growth in sub-Saha - ran Africa through the promotion of infrastructure investment. With these operations, the EU-AITF will have contributed to developing sub-Saharan Africa’s economy and to improving people’s living conditions in many ways, such as: 693 500 households to be provided with safe drinking water, Power to be generated for more than 4 000 0000 households, 10 262 jobs to be created for operations and maintenance, Copyright © EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. UNSPECIFIED (2012) EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund.Annual report 2011. Overview of the EU-AITF 02 Joint Foreword. The Coronavirus pandemic presents an unprecedented threat : not least to many of Europe's SMEs and the jobs that depend on them. EIB Group financing will also support the development of cures and vaccines for COVID-19. June 2013. Created in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) was the first EU “blending instrument” with the objective of promoting infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa with a regional impact. European Investment Bank 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 EIB World Bank IADB ADB NIB EBRD IFC AfDB A UK company is developing the first solar plant in one of the world’s poorest places. The EU-AITF consists of two envelopes: Regional Envelope, a EUR 483 million envelope dedicated to cross-border and national infrastructure projects in energy, transport water and ICT; and Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), a EUR 330 million envelope that supports renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in line with the UN’s SE4ALL initiative. To meet the enormous infrastructure needs in sub-Saharan Africa, European Union donors joi... Cross-border infrastructure projects are particularly challenging. Introduction The ITF is a fund of grant resources provided by the European Commission and certain European Union Member States. The EIB is responsible for the financial management of the trust fund and hosts its Secretariat. Established in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) has since made a significant contribution to increase investment in infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa. The EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust. During the post-Commitment phase the Fund will focus on seeing existing grant operations through until completion. The successor to the EU-AITF is the Africa Investment Platform (AIP), managed by the European Commission. But the Central African country has lots of sun. It provides details on the 10 grants, totalling It aims to: • Support regional investment projects in infrastructure in four sectors: … This report covers all the operations financed by the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund in sub-Saharan Africa. 01 THE EU-AFRICA INFRASTRUCTURE TRUST FUND. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "eu-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. EIB participates in the Fund as a financier, is responsible for its financial management and hosts the Secretariat. Fund: ITF. The African Union Commission (AUC) on the one side and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU ITF) via KfW Entwicklungsbank (KfW) on the other side established the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) to fund geothermal development in Eastern Africa. European Union – Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) Overview Created in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) was the first EU “blending instrument” with the objective of promoting infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa with a regional impact. This decision concludes the Fund’s commitment phase during which the EU-AITF approved more than 120 grant operations worth EUR 763 million. These are some of the global goals targeted by our trust funds. EU - Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund Operations in Eastern Africa Region . (EU-AITF) provides grant support for infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of reducing poverty and fostering economic growth in the region. The EU-Africa Infrastructure Partnership. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) The EU-AITF was created in 2007 with the main objective to promote investment in infrastructure throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. Africa, Caribbean, Pacific countries + OCT. The EU Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund's objective is to promote infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa with a regional impact. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund ℅ European Investment Bank 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg 3 (+352) 4379-82970 The Trust Fund’s objective Attract and leverage financial resources and technical expertise to support regional infrastructure investments in Sub-Saharan Africa Created in 2007, the aim of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) is to promote increased investment in infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa – both in projects with a regional impact or national projects that support the Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) objectives. As an instrument of the EU-Africa infrastructure partnership, it mobilises additional finances to increase access to energy, transport, water, sanitation, and communication services. The Infrastructure Trust Fund (ITF) was created in 2007 in the framework of the EU-Africa Partnership for Infrastructure. 2015 was a record year for the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) with as much as 17 grant operations in sub-Saharan Africa approved, totaling EUR 139.9 million. 1. prepared by the ITF Secretariat. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund European Investment Bank 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg 3 (+352) 4379-82970 The Trust Fund’s objective Attract and leverage financial resources and technical expertise to support regional infrastructure investments in Sub-Saharan Africa Created in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) was the first EU “blending instrument” with the objective of promoting infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa with a regional impact. As of now, the EU-AITF will not accept new grant applications anymore. The initiative aims to protect the environment of Lake Victoria and improve the wellbeing of the population in the Lake Basin. Our collective actions unlock billions of euros in investment to combat climate change, eradicate poverty and fight inequality. Created in 2007, the EU-AITF is a trust fund set up by the European Commission and a number of European Union Member States. twelve years after the Fund’s operations started, Donors decided on the use of the EU-AITF’s remaining resources. Our website uses anonymised cookies to give you the best browser experience and to collect aggregated statistics. If you agree, this website section will also include third-party cookies used in online advertising. STEERING COMMITTEE (Co-Chair: EC) 58 Members from the EU and the AU. The ITF comprises 13 donors – 12 Member States and the European Commission. THE EU-AFRICA INFRASTRUCTURE TRUST FUND MANAGED BY THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK. [EU Other] The European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF for Africa) was created to address the root causes of instability, forced displacement and irregular migration and to contribute to better migration management. Under the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation (LVWATSAN) initiative, water, wastewater and sanitation infrastructure is financed via the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (appr.100 million EUR investment). Established in 2007 by the European Commission and several EU Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) provides grant support for infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of reducing poverty and fostering economic growth in the region. Updated information on the status of each grant will still be provided on our Grant Operations page. It also aims to promote the development The EU-AITF consists of two envelopes: Regional Envelope, a EUR 483 million envelope dedicated to cross-border and national infrastructure projects in energy, transport water and ICT; and Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), a EUR 330 million envelope that supports renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in line with the UN’s SE4ALL initiative. [EU Other] The EIB uses donor funds to enhance the development impact of investment projects. 03 Overview of the EU-AITF. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund. Established in 2007 by the European Commission and European Union Member States, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) has since made a significant contribution to increase investment in infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a “blending instrument” EU-AITF grants are granted alongside long-term financing (loans, risk capital, etc) from selected development finance institutions. * EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund Bank Group key financing information ADF (ZAMBIA) Loan currency Unit of Account (UA) Interest type Not Applicable Interest rate spread Not Applicable Service Charge 0.75% on amount disbursed and outstanding Commitment fee 0.50% on the un-disbursed loan amount Tenor 50 years Grace period 10 years Many translated example sentences containing "eu-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund" – Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations. UNSPECIFIED (2009) EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund.Annual report 2008. Funding is provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) together with the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU Africa ITF) via KfW Development Bank (KfW), and the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The EU-AITF’s main objective is to promote investment in infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa1 through various forms of grants, which are blended with long-term investments by selected development finance institutions. Many translated example sentences containing "eu-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. The EIB Group is responding with a new Europe wide €25bn guarantee fund backed by the EU Member States and fellow EU institutions to mobilise up to €200bn. 07 Closing Statement. This does not include online advertising cookies. Receive updates of the EIB Group’s activities in Europe and around the world. 04 Impact, results & success stories. 05 Operations approved in 2017. It has done so by blending long term loans from participating financiers with grant resources from Donors, in four different sectors of activity (water, energy, transport, ICT). 123 grant operations approved in sub-Saharan Africa, in four sectors of activity (energy, water, transport, ICT), support of more than 90 different projects, EUR 763 million committed to grant operations, which have leveraged investments in projects worth EUR 11.4 billion, 30% of grant operations already completed, more than 50% of projects in their investment phase. Created in 2007, the EU-AITF is a trust fund set up by the European Commission and a number of European Union Member States. The Trust Fund, managed by the European Investment Bank, further expanded its budget in How the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund has been helping eradicate poverty and stimulate sustainable economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa from 2007 to 2019. EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund: annual report ... DDC: 330: ISSN(s): 1831-8738: Publisher: EIB : Luxembourg: Appears: Elektronische Ressource
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