Watch your own patience. Is she just asking for directions, or something more? A simple “k” can mean many things — between friends of long standing, it’s innocuous — but it’s best avoided when you’re texting a prospective date. Before we hit you with all sorts of complexity and layers of possible meanings, let’s get this out of the way. I wrote her she was beautiful and I was glad she accepted to be my model and I think she blushed. Lately she’s been texting me more than usual, she’s the one initiating the conversation and responds quite fast, although she stops repliying if I try to keep the conversation going. Have you two met in person? If she says, "EWWWWW!" Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on February 18, 2020: Here is my recommendation.... try dating some other people at the same time. Simple Subject and Predicate, … Women generally hate receiving these and think something is wrong or you're just not interested. She probably really is sorry. If she sends you texts every day, she likes you. Also, the blunder wasn't totally my fault. I usually don't recommend it and try to push people to find something else that's better suited and gives you everything you really want. Period (.) Not sure if she is looking for anything serious if she has a boyfriend. If it keeps being consistent for a long period of time, there is likely some amount of interest. Just a couple days ago we were talking and we laughed at what she said and when we stopped laughing we kinda gave each other a long stare for like.. maybe 10 or so seconds.. She stared at my eyes and I stared at hers giving each other a nice, calm smile across our faces.. If she posts pictures on her Instagram, count the amount that are related to you. A C. Lv 5. Increasing the flirting a little bit each time and see if she reciprocates. Any part on her to keep the conversation alive, especially the longer it goes on, is an obvious indication that she enjoys talking / flirting with you. These are open-ended interactions that create an opportunity for you, If she says she is busy, more than likely she'll try to schedule you in at another time right then and there. Happy, fun texting is a good indication of relationship health. For example, "Do you like bowling?" Could mean more depending on context. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. I gave her some earring of my own design. However, sometimes she would send a Love Heart out of the blue and then just continue. then she said oh. Well, you should try that first. He will make the conversation longer and longer. like ^v^ but then he has the commas from the ; which add two hands … Every mornng she sends me a good morning and occasionly I do to. But chances are, if she's letting herself get that close to you, she probably likes you as something more. If you get pictures of certain specific body parts, something more scandalous, especially without her face visible, that probably means you are a booty call. She'd text me in the mornings, and send me snapchats all day, more than 70 texts and a ton more snap chats, and just always seem to love my company. If she is laughing tremendously at a good joke, great..! I feel the depression underlying my small bits of false happiness. I still texts her a lot but mostly just texts. This last one she asked a question (first time ever), I send her messages in Italian and seemed interested about me learning italian. You'll be hurting your wallet and potentially sanity this way. Cringe has two meanings. Does that mean she likes me? April 19, 2017. She facetimed me 2 days in a row. They have visions about having fun, and they want someone to go with them, play games, eat food, and spend quality time. You should keep talking with her, try flirting a little more. At the same time when I came in contact with her, there was another guy; really good looking, muscular guy was in contact with her; and I know she is falling for him; she went out of the way to convince him that there was no misunderstanding between them - I think she's into him. Is she interested and only playing hard? He shares his personal life with me and comfort me during my hard times. If she doesn't text back at all after several days, that's a big bad sign. Anyways please help me I really need to know how do I know if she likes me back? The girl I wrote you about invited me to her birthday party. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on July 15, 2017: Late night calls from 9pm to 2am or late night calls from 1am to 2am? Do cute gestures for her. She then of course said Thanks bestie followed by hearts. Nothing irreversible happened, I am being patient, and won't haste things. When a girl really, really likes you she will text you a lot. If she sends pictures of herself to you: yeah, she likes you. I told her i cant be at the party via facetime, or video chat. Me and this girl been talking for a while now. Half the time, she means she needs to check her plans and will let you know. She changed her PP to one where she uses my earrings, just after I told her I wanted her to be my model. Please flick yourself if you … It's either, she has shaky thumbs or she's doing something a rather (FYI: she knows I like her), and I REALLLLY need some help with understanding what's going on. The only person … Anonymous. So i was going to go fishing with a girl but I found out from my friend that she wasn't aloud to date but she sent me a text saying her friend wanted to fish with me. Are the two of you in a relationship? BECAUSE SHE CARES. Very late with long replies. Instead, she gave you her number because she didn’t want to be mean. I didn't replied and the next day she sent me more pictures of the place and one of her. If she texts you an "I'm sorry" message, then she doesn't want to be on bad terms with you. If they tell you about guys they like, most likely they see you as a friend. When it becomes only a means of contact and sorting affairs, you're getting dull. She cares about you and about what you think of her. If she sends you a text, it means she wants to communicate with you. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on September 16, 2017: Emojis are positive interactions. I’ve know her for about 6 years and at this point we’ve been having a full blown affair for over a year now. That could have hurt her feelings. Be open minded, say you are willing to learn, and the last thing you want to do is hurt her feelings. There are other people who can have deep and meaningful conversations with you and have the time to invest in you. Two days after that she texted me to ask me about my sports team. This means she is excited and very interested in what you said. If she texts you about events that are way out in the future, she might want you to accompany her and is telling you to keep your calendar free...for her. But recently she takes long to answer me like an hour each text and then respond very poorly? What Does Mhm Mean? Two days after her party she liked all my FB statuses of the past month. and she said she liked it. But basically, we started texting again. he texts me like really fast or waits a long time to respond. She is very patient & calm, and that just blew me off. I got a text message from an older woman a few days ago, and at the end of it she put Xx. what does uefa mean in texting. When we're not staying up late, it's because she falls asleep early while talking to me. She'll send you pictures of her animals that she thinks are cute because she hopes it'll make a positive impression, and because if she likes you, she wants you to like her animals as much as she does. Why I would text for example about a serious topic just with the person I like? That it isn't exactly easy to see her date. She said She's here for me no matter what happens. These can be indicative, but sometimes girls just send drunken texts out of their ridiculousness and love for the world. Either she is excited for what was asked, or she just could not think of anything else to say, but did not want to end the conversation. BTW, we had another chat marathon 5 hrs with about 200 back-n-forth while I was driving, the chat ended with me hinting her that I want to be with her, and she tricked/cajoled me to explicitly tell her what the hint means, and I cracked, and told her I want to be with her (PG 13). We haven’t seen each other since she ghosted me. For instance, 10 texts a day is a lot, 20 is very indicative, 30 is flat out obvious, with 40 you should go see her, and 50 is incredible. She said that bc I'm so nice to her and always there for her, that really made her happy and made her like me.. We don't send ;) faces or send a lot of pictures (unless like snapchat), and we may not "hang out a lot" in person but we can talk for hours.. sometimes we just pull all nighters talking to one another.. She says I'm one of the few she can trust and that she doesn't know where she'd be without me.. My point is we talk all time.. heh.. “we’ll see” Almost the same meaning as “I’ll let you know,” except it is more likely to mean no, and she will not get back with you. She sent one first. A general rule is: the more time she spends on a text for you, the more she cares about you and about what you think. On the texting, last week she was very responsive, sending many mesages to my questions, even with some gaps between her messages (she texted me twice, then waited 10 minutes and texted me again). Noto 4: I used to text her like every week and then I stopped because she went cold. One of my friends that are girls snitched on me and told her so now she is very suspicious. Flat-out forgetting several times is weird. Can't be friendly if she doesn't likes you as something else? when i ask him if i bored him or annoy him and he tells me i dont. Don't make it much more complicated than that. She is tentatively agreeing because she is not thrilled about whatever you are talking about. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on May 20, 2017: I think she's interested. She sends me a lot of love hearts and kisses and calls me babe etc. I mean, if anything is an embodiment of "extra" behavior, it's this dude salting a steak. I didn’t responded her for two days and she sent me a link of something she thought I would be interested in. She often texts me late at night, she opens my messages immediatley, she texts me quotes or song lyrics but I think she sends them to everyone.could you guys tell me if she’s into me or not? The "seen" part of messages shouldn't be trusted as it isn't always accurate. she use reply my message at midnight also. Time of day, frequency, and occasion can all be important clues as to how much a girl likes you. Here are some signs to look out for. How often does she text you? This symbol indicates the finality of the statement. then i felt like jerk so I sent her the picture of the gift. It's not because she's crazy or doesn't know how to be concise, she really. If she's talking a lot to you, she wants you to open up. Send her another message or two if she's taking awhile to reply back, or try another form of communication. I mean she gives good signs, but how do i know its not a frienship. Nothing else happened that night and i thought nothing of it. The last one (and also the worst) she tried to pair me with a girl she didn't know in a bar. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on January 20, 2017: Keep talking to her and hanging out with her. Does it sound like she’s just using me? Length, syntax, even punctuation can be an indicator of whether a girl likes you. She always tries to cheer me up and be there for me if I need it, and always comes to me for comfort. Girls want to create connection. If you have been friends that long it might be difficult to get past that. If she texts you back when it's unnecessary, she wants to keep the conversation alive. I don't know she is with someone or not, and I have never met her. If she sends pictures with her face and she wants to show you her outfit, such as for school or work, she likes you in a a serious way and wants your opinion. If she sends you a text with the worst grammar you have ever seen, bad spelling, no real thought: either she doesn't care or is drunk. so there this boy and i really like him and it seems like he likes me to. (she is so indecisive, its unbelievable) i said no problem, just text me a bit before the singing and ican go to someplace quiet and can then video call her. But the huge problem is.. She has a boyfriend.. and I know it sounds horrible that I'm crushing on a girl that's taken, but it's not the eaisest to get over someone. Me and this girl have been really good friends for a while (We're both High School students as well), and we talk all the time. Help, I am a girl but girls are still confusing. However recently we went out again but she had to leave early to catch a flight. Obviously, this stuff would be beneath them. (but you're not in a bad spot if you are friends.). Almost the same thing as “that’s good,” except she is most likely reacting to a boring story. She was happy about that and i told her i could just vid chat, or send a prerecorded message. The more interactions and so forth, the more likely it leans toward a romantic connection. A female friend of mine when i told her of this said oh my god she really likes you. situation like this has happened before, but there's too many of them to type without getting carpal tunnel syndrome, so this story will have to suffice. ... xx normally mean kiss kiss so she may be flirting or just sending her love. Be accepting with the progress you receive on this. She literally means just friends, in the friend-zone. Note 1: she may or may not have a boyfriend, last time I saw her she told me she might be in a relationship but she wasn’t sure. If she texts you, you don't answer and she texts you again about 10 min later to continue with the conversation. I got her to believe me that I don't like her but I think she is having second thoughts because I rarely talk to her now. Thunder Take Out Britons Behind Strong Start. There is potential here. If she talks about other guys to you, this isn't good. She has sent me photos of her little cousins, her job, herself, of both of us, videos of projects she made, (I just have asked for pictures once and she sent them to me, one day later). If she's sending you pictures of herself, that's even better. She didn't told me (specifically) I like her but I think she does. If she answers with smiley faces, such as ":)" "XD" or the one laughing with tears to your flirting texts? Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on March 26, 2017: Send her multiple hearts back. I panicked & the first move that I made was a blunder, I think I scared/pissed her off, I realized immediately so I backed-off, but kept in touch with her; we were having 1/2 messages per day for two days. This may be for fun, but the longer it continues, the more likely she is crushing on you. Whatever you’re talking about probably only concerns you, and it is getting boring. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I need some help. I actually reply to her in a very normal way, like no emojis, i take some hours or days to reply (i dont reply when i am at work). You may get a few overwhelming, long-winded texts. Women love listeners, but they love when you talk too. Same goes with what colors suit her, which of her outfits you like best, etc. 9 years ago. WhatsApp. But my philosophy is if you're getting a response and constant communication, you are are in good shape. Andrea is a freelance writer. It's totally acceptable to just let it dangle. Something exciting, unexpected, unfortunate, or unbelievable just happened. Do not immediately think she is annoyed. Does she like me. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on February 27, 2017: Be nice to her. I have been introduced to the family, friends and the kids at various times since i have known her. One was of her beautiful self from the neck up, the second was her from the neck down and she was in really nice clothes and the other was her with a friend and she drew all over her friends face. If her responses are flat, she may be busy. She is wondering what you mean and what you are talking about. Ask her questions. I'm not sure what was the exact blunder you made with this woman initially.