Contact parents or guardians if for some reason they do not know already. EDP Soccer is sharing these new resources below as they become available, as well as our own health and safety protocols, mitigation plans and best practices. This decision is not made lightly and is done in alignment with the Executive Order “Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger” announced by … Coaches must always wear a face mask per current phase protocol and social distance from players when required. A Few US Youth Soccer States Return To Play & End The Long Coronavirus COVID-19 Moratorium COVID-19 IMPACT ON SOCCER: Soccer Parents are Following Safety Protocols Youth soccer has kicked off on fields where stay at home restrictions have lifted … but the Return-to-Play strict safety protocols as well as state and local guidelines must be adhered to if soccer balls are to continue to be … If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, the entire group must return to self-isolation until symptom-free for 14 days. Nov 4th, 2020 . Use of showers allowed. CLICK HERE FOR 2020-2021 AGE CHART. WYS Board President Felipe Mendez said that “as the largest youth organization in the State of Washington, we are excited to continue to work together with all the education and health agencies to get back to play safely. Youth Soccer Return to Play: Safety Protocols. WYS simply sanctions tournaments but it’s up to individual organizations and teams to makes decisions on whether or not to hold or attend these tournaments. Washington Youth Soccer No high-fives, handshakes, or hugs: as much as we want to physically connect, this is not a safe practice for anybody right now. If your county is in Phase 2, clubs MUST reach out directly to their local county officials, city council, and parks and recreation departments and get permission to rent fields. - Players may travel to their home club/team. Washington Youth Soccer and Playform Announce Partnership. Can we use kick-ins or other modified rules? Player, coach, and spectator safety is of the utmost importance and the PLAY ON restart aims to reduce risk while getting kids back on the field. This document is to help guide your youth club or adult team to return to play. The governor’s office’s recent release regarding when face masks on 7/1: WHEREAS, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that, in addition to its recommendation to maintain six-feet of physical distance from non-household members and frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, people wear cloth face coverings when they are in public settings where they cannot reliably maintain six feet of distance from others at all times, given the substantial increase in the numbers of cases of COVID-19 infection, these precautions must be mandatory; and. 291 Likes, 0 Comments - Washington Youth Soccer (@wayouthsoccer) on Instagram: “Return to play is in full swing! Water bottles: to minimize accidental sharing of water, players must keep their water bottles in their own bag when not in use. Screening: Greet all participants before practice and ask if they have been sick in the last 14 days or in direct contact with a person who is sick. In our initial Return to Play document, we laid out guidelines for Washington Youth Soccer members based on the Governor’s Phased Approach Plan for reopening businesses and modifying physical distancing measures. Goalkeepers should not spit on their gloves. Assuming there is no handling of the ball except for goalkeepers wearing gloves. Through PLAY ON, U.S. Soccer will be sharing a range of resources across return-to-play phases. Tukwila, WA 98188 Applications and approval for use of fields need to be directed to your local county Bring and use hand sanitizer with you at every training session. 4. Above all, control what you can control and plan for every possible scenario that you see your organization facing. During the next few weeks, we will share a host of resources in line with federal, state and national sporting organization guidelines under a new initiative called U.S. Soccer PLAY ON. Fill out COVID-19 Reporting Form within 24 hours. If use of locker rooms for changing is necessary, maximize ventilation and use tape, spots, or cones to signal 6 feet of distance for athletes who need to change. As clubs and teams around the state begin or continue their safe return to play, there is a sense of excitement to return to the field. What is the liability for the associations if a player/coach is diagnosed with COVID-19? Contact the following groups and be sure to mention the governor’s release and your club’s Return to Play safety plan: As counties across the State of Washington adjust their criteria for safe return to play for youth soccer, it is imperative that associations, clubs, and their members work hand in hand to understand these local criteria. WVSA has created Return To Play Guidelines to help clubs plan, prepare, and resume play. should not be included in small-sided games or drills. We are youth soccer! There has been no change in Washington Youth Soccer liability coverage for facilities that were requested for the seasonal playing year that runs from September 2019 to the end of August 2020 by our members. Continue clearing RMAs in your organization. TAG US or send photos…” These additional steps are outlined here and incorporate recommendations from the CDC, USOPC, US Youth Soccer, and US Soccer. Physical play: facilitate soccer activities that eliminate physical contact. 215 Tukwila, WA 98188 (253) 476-2237 All drills and small-sided games should have as little physical contact as possible. USYS To Launch Champions Cup. WYS insurance covers injuries only, not infectious diseases or viruses. Be safe, stay healthy and when we return, it truly will be a celebration of soccer in Oregon. Applications and approval for use of fields need to be directed to your local county officials, city council, and parks departments. For outdoor competitions without permanent seating; facilities or complexes with more than one field or area of play are allowed a maximum of 150 people per field or area of play, including spectators. It is critical that the state, member organizations and coaches create a safe environment for players and that parents/guardians make the best decision possible for their players. As we’ve mentioned before in our Return to Play updates, things are constantly changing at a local, state, national, and global level. My Soccer Story, by Katherine Reynolds. Youth indoor and outdoor soccer can occur under Phase 1 Soccer Guidelines with the following restrictions: - Physical distance is now classified as 3 metres. When traveling, take responsibility to sanitize hotel rooms. 270 Likes, 0 Comments - Washington Youth Soccer (@wayouthsoccer) on Instagram: “We hear and appreciate all of your questions and concerns about Washington Youth Soccer's return to…” All right reserved. 215 To assist in the education of Washington State Referees, an online course has been created. Player, coach, and spectator safety is of the utmost importance and the PLAY ON restart aims to reduce risk while getting kids back on the field. Washington Youth Soccer 7100 Fort Dent Way, Ste. Use of locker rooms allowed. Each club will be responsible for providing masks and cleaning supplies to their staff. This would have been a much longer and more difficult journey without his expertise, assistance, and research. As states reopen this Spring, youth soccer organizations are revising and updating their guidelines. Each league, organization, or club must publish and follow a “return to play” safety plan. US Youth Soccer CEO Skip Gilbert, whose organization released guidelines in mid-May, said the U.S. Soccer recommendations are a “thoughtful, logical projection of return to play.” However, US Youth Soccer is not taking the same position that clubs should restrict from traveling to overnight tournaments, citing different rates of COVID-19 cases in different communities. Beyond simply boosting the physical health of young athletes, we have also found that getting kids back into sport is just as important for their mental health. Check out US Youth Soccer’s latest return to play notice, which we consulted and worked from as we formulated the below protocols. In Phase 3, soccer teams can play games if all other guidelines and procedures are followed. The Sports Safety Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Nevada Department … My main concern is that there will be no soccer season. Contact Terry Fisher at with any questions about this proposal or other return to play issues. While other sports may see tighter or looser restrictions or guidelines, what WYS has provided is considered the best for youth soccer in consultation with our medical expert, Dr. Jonathan Drezner. If showering is necessary then limit the number of individuals showering to ensure a minimum of 6 feet of separation. Players with symptoms should stay home to limit the spread. D.C. United is an American professional soccer club based in Washington, D.C. How can a small club like ours be expected to pay for all of that? See our Return to Play updates page for more information. Apr. Open or download the press release titled. Our focus on the physical and mental health of our soccer athletes and families is a top priority.”. Check out this gallery of great shots from some of our clubs’ first matches since the counties started reopening. You’ve seen our return to play updates all year, but the information can be a bit overwhelming when you’re just looking to find out the current status. Washington Youth Soccer’s #1 priority is to PLAY ON…SAFELY! Thanks to Governor Inslee’s announcement that all counties have reached Phase 2 of the Roadmap to Recovery, Washington Youth Soccer clubs are beginning to return to the pitch! Our number one priority is safety for our players, coaches, officials, and families. Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness. Following the outbreak of COVID-19, WYSA has implemented a phased return to play (RTP) in Wisconsin. The latter was compared to historical data, with moderate to severe depression reported at a rate 3.5 times higher than that found in historical data. Return to Play Category US Youth Soccer - Videos US Youth Soccer Nationals East Region South Region West Region Soccer Month Videos 2009 TV Show ODP TOPSoccer National League Presidents Cup 2012 TV Show 2013 Workshop/NSCAA/Awards Gala 2013 TV Show 2014 TV Show 2015 TV Show US Youth Soccer TV Be smart: if you are sick, stay home. The biggest challenge may be what happens if someone on a team gets infected? Professional Sports & Other Sporting Activities Phase 2 and 3 COVID-19 Requirements – WA Governor’s Office. #8. Update 11/18: Based on Governor Inslee’s latest guidelines, the phased approach is no longer applicable. Grab your buddies and sign up HERE today! The full release from the Governor’s office is below. YOUTH SOCCER . The most notable section re: youth sports: In Phase 2, team practice can resume if a) players are limited to groups of five in separate parts of the field, separated by a buffer zone and b) practice can follow social distancing of a minimum of five feet between players with no contact. Kentucky Youth Soccer is devoted to promoting youth soccer in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We would promote the return of soccer via our platform. Inform your team – if you have maintained social distance from all your players your players do not necessarily need to get tested but may choose to. See our Return to Play updates page for more information. Want to see your team featured on our page? The guidelines released by the Governor’s office provide thoughtful benchmarks in which to advance youth sports. Tournaments would not be allowed. Organizers should be following the current state guidelines on outdoor gatherings when planning. © 2020 Washington Youth Soccer. fAter receiving clarification, we have … Additional safety precautions recommended include: Advancing outdoor activities with a continued focus on safety will allow hundreds of thousands of youth to resume outdoor sports and avoid the harm of inactivity and social isolation. From CEO Terry Fisher: “Stay diligent and stay focused, as this is not the time to become cavalier. If permission is NOT granted, you CAN NOT return to play until Phase 3. We would like to thank all the clubs, coaches, referees, administrators, parents, and especially the players for their patience and co-operation during this time. Washington Youth Soccer Virtual Auction & Year-End Giving Campaign. Welcome to the home on the World Wide Web for the PCSRA (Pierce County Soccer Referees Association) on Thursday, April 8th, 2021.. PCSRA serves soccer competitions in Pierce County in Washington State including adult amateur, high school, and youth Leagues. In phase 2, goalkeepers can practice in groups of five (5) and must continue to follow all the other phase 2 guidelines. This document is to help guide your youth club or adult team to return to play. Concussion & Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness, “Professional Sports & Other Sporting Activities COVID-19 Requirements”, recent announcement regarding steps to address the spread of COVID-19, US Youth Soccer’s latest return to play notice, Washington Youth Soccer – Executive Director Position. Develop a relationship and a dialogue with health local officials. 7100 Fort Dent Way, Ste. March 28, 2021 2021 LHSC Spring Training Welcome! BMJ 2020). Go to for more updates! A recent study at the University of Wisconsin found that young athletes across their state reported feeling a variety of negative mental health symptoms as a result of not being able to play sports in the early days of COVID-19 quarantine measures. The Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association, ... Washington state high school soccer seasons are fall for the girls and spring for the boys. Go to page 4 of the press release, and find the section titled “County COVID-19 Activity Level guidance.” Familiarize yourself first with each level of COVID Activity on pages 4 and 5: On the left side of the dashboard, select your county from the dropdown box.