Currently a lot is going on in the digital domain, ranging from taxes on companies like Amazon to formulating new directives on cyber regulation. List of the Disadvantages of the European Union 1. January 12, 2016 Print Page This was an occasion to reflect on the state of the European Union and look at the future of the integration process. O2: Review of hypothesis No 1. View from Paris: The need for certainty. The European Union of tomorrow will be defined by more integrated foreign policy, the end of the euro, a more complete single market, and more realpolitik. Commission contributions on EU Enlargement Policy, European Semester 2019 Spring Package, Deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union, State of play of preparations of contingency measures (Article 50), EU budget for the future The long-running Euro crisis is the most prominent manifestation of its problems. As we decide which way to go, we should remember that Europe has always been at its best when we are united, bold and confident that we can shape our future together. The European Union supports small businesses by implementing rules and regulations that always make the largest corporations pay their fair share of taxes. A slow-moving debacle, the crisis has laid bare the fault lines of the European Union. At the end of the celebrations the leaders adopted and signed the Rome Declaration setting out a joint vision for the years to come. It is easier to cross borders in Europe today because of the EU. By Edit Zgut. The European Union finds itself in the most perilous quandary sine the immediate post–World War II period. O1: To elucidate the underlying, background theories informing the different approaches to the question of the object and purpose of the European Union and the modalities of its existence in the future. Gardiner: I think the coronavirus pandemic certainly has enhanced widespread skepticism within the European Union about the future of the EU, and I … European Parliament elections in June 2019. Of course, the next year of negotiations over Britain’s new trade relationship with the European Union will play a large role in determining what the future will hold. European Council and Euro Summit. However, the European Union is in trouble today, seemingly unable to deliver the peace and prosperity that has always been its promise. European guidelines and laws are being made everyday and impacting more and more. The European Union has changed our lives for the better. Europe is our common future," they said in the Declaration. While Great Britain’s future departure from the European Union is a sizable loss to Hungary in both political and economic terms, the Hungarian government is trying to cash in on increasing popular dissatisfaction with Brussels. The European Union: Ongoing Challenges and Future Prospects Congressional Research Service Summary The European Union (EU) is a unique partnership in which member states have pooled sovereignty in certain policy areas and harmonized laws on a … "We have united for the better. We must ensure it keeps doing so for all of those that will follow us. Agencies like Berec and Enisa also serve as platforms to deepen the Union, though are not related to treaty change.