1 BAföG: The certificate of achievement according to § 48 Abs. Currently and until further notice, all day care centers are closed due the corona-pandemic. The Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau is a modern, inter-university service provider and provides social, economic, health and cultural support for over 15,000 students. Melden Sie sich jetzt kostenlos an, um selbst mit eigenen Inhalten beizutragen. One semester longer BAföG. (Valid from winter semester 2020/21) Dies gelte für alle Studenten, die im Sommersemester 2020 eingeschrieben seien, teilte Wissenschaftsministerin Theresia Bauer (Grüne) am Freitag in Stuttgart mit. Implementation of the university pandemic ordinance of the State of Brandenburg. It is important that the application for BAföG must be submitted by April 2020 at the latest if you have not yet received a BAföG notification for the 2020 summer semester. info(at)swfr.de, BAföG financial aid in times of the Corona pandemic, Financial and Social Counselling in our Branch Offices, Help with paying your deposit when renting an apartment, Emergency Student Aid of the University Freiburg, Clothing stamps / Freiburger Tafel / CultureWish Freiburg, Service Package for international Students, Psychological Counselling Offenburg/Gengenbach, Psychological Counselling Villingen-Schwenningen, Financial aid during transition period between study and work, Our insurances and insurance concept Lörrach, Our insurances and insurance concept Furtwangen, Our insurances and insurance concept Offenburg, Studying with Children during the Corona Pandemic, Information on language and language courses, Information for Applicants going through the asylum procedure, Freiburg’s Institutions of Higher Education, Studying in Germany around the Franco-Swiss border. No. Can I, due to the corona pandemic, use my “Special Right of Termination”? Compensation is only available on application and the application deadlines are very short! But please contact our Rent Accounts Department immediately so that you don’t miss important deadlines!. If you are in the 4th semester of the current summer semester 2020 and cannot present the number of ECTS credits required for the proof of academic achievement to be submitted for WS 2020/21 (Form 5) due to the pandemic, it is possible to grant a corresponding postponement upon informal application. Viele Studienangebote sind wegen des Coronavirus auf digitale Formate umgestellt worden. Students receiving BAföG for their studies in Germany have good prospects for receiving financial assistance when studying abroad. If you do not have any income due to losing your job or not receiving the wages, you are not automatically entitled to claim Housing Subsidy. Students health-, care- and unemployment-insurance free. This also applies to digital coursework. Ask for a deferral of your contributions and, if necessary, a dunning block. Information can be obtained from the the general BAföG consulting services under the phone number 0761/2101-326. At this moment, since the upcoming development of the situation is predictable, a delay of the study will not at all be considered as a violation of the regular education duration, provided that the delay bases on the official measures. «Niemand soll sich wegen der Corona-Pandemie um seine Bafög-Förderung Sorgen machen müssen», sagte Bauer. Melden Sie sich an, um Kommentare zu verfassen. I am a first semester student. BAföG-supported students should not suffer any disadvantages due to the corona pandemic." Starting in week seven, the compensation will be as high as the sick payment after § 47 Abs. A new ordinance amending the Corona Epidemic Higher Education Ordinance results in some interesting points for students at RWTH. Damit Studierende bei der Bafög-Unterstützung keine Nachteile haben, wird das laufende, von der Corona-Pandemie geprägte Wintersemester in Rheinland-Pfalz als „Null-Semester“ gewertet. This article focuses on the (expected) impact on your BAföG or the “Leistungsnachweis” after the 4th Bachelor’s semester. This is not the case now. The important part is, that there are no student activities during this leave. One or more of my parents are acutely affected by the Corona crisis; they have a greatly reduced or zero income. If you have any questions or remarks, please feel free to contact corona@asta.rwth-aachen.de at any time. Damit die Studierenden im Sommersemester 2020 durch die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie keine Nachteile erfahren, wird die individuelle Regelstudienzeit einmalig um ein Semester verlängert. The period of closure is considered equivalent to semester recess. Wichtig sei das vor allem für Bafög-Empfänger, weil diese wegen möglicher Verzögerungen im Studium ansonsten ihren Anspruch auf die staatliche Unterstützung verlieren könnten. It is important that the BAföG application must be submitted in April 2020 at the latest if you have not yet received a BAföG decision for the summer semester 2020. The BAföG entitlement does not expire if there is an "important reason" for the first change of subject until the end of the 3rd semester. For more information visit our BAföG webpages (available in German only). BAföG-Empfänger*innen erhalten ihre Zahlung auch bei Schließungen von Hochschulen. Lecture period in the winter semester 2020/21. In addition, the certificate of achievement required by § 48 BAföG can be presented one semester later. From Monday, 21.12.20 to Tuesday, 05.01.21, the general BAföG advisory service is available by telephone daily from 09:00 - 17:00. Wirkt sich Corona auf die BAföG-Förderungsdauer aus? This legislative amendment specifically aims to extend automatically the maximum period of BAföG eligibility by one semester. Students who cannot receive BAföG and have now lost their income can apply for unemployment benefit at the Job Centre. No, you can not automatically clam ALB II-Services. Get advice from the “Financial Aid” of the Studierendenwerk. Expand all Can I apply for a deferral or waiver of the tuition fee and consequently a refund of the paid tuition fee (for international students and for a second degree) for the winter semester 2020/2021? Das ermöglicht für viele ein Semester länger BAföG ohne Begründung. FAQ Study financing during corona . One or more of my parents are acutely affected by the Corona crisis; they have a greatly reduced or zero income. en-Corona-Leitlinien-WS.docx Page 3 Preamble The corona guidelines for study programs in the winter semester 2020/21 supplement and update the corona guidelines for study programs in the summer semester 2020. The, Taking a vacation semester because of a pregnancy or raising a child or being on leave because of illness or impairment. 1 BAföG must be submitted one semester later. Please note that for break semesters, which are conceived as taking a break from studies, you are not entitled to BAföG, precisely because you are not studying!Please find out before taking a break semester what the consequences would be for financing your studies – this is essential! 79100 Freiburg, Telefon: +49 (761) 2101-200 You can contact your personal counsellors preferably on Tuesdays (1.00 to 5.00 p.m.) and Thursdays (9.00 to 11.00 a.m.). Eine Anrechnung auf das BAföG erfolgt allein in den Monaten, in denen BAföG-Geförderte ein Einkommen erzielen. Currently, there are fields needing additional personal. Therefore, who does not pay for the unemployment-insurance can not get short-time work allowance. Das spielt so oder so keine Rolle, wenn du jeweils im Semester davor bereits studierst. On this website, we will continuously update the information on the consequences of the corona crisis on studies and teaching at the University of Potsdam. This means that not everyone is entitled to BAföG. The eligibility Criteria for Housing Subsidy remain the same. Recipients typically must have been resident in Germany for 5 years. The amount of the BAföG-funding depends on the student’s earnings and assets as well as the earnings of his or her parents, spouse or registered partner. As a tenant of the Munich Student Union you do not have the right, despite the unusual situation at the moment, to terminate the contract using the “Special Right of Termination”. The financing advising reveals which opportunities are present for financing your studies:. in hardship, for example in undeserved losing of funding and far advanced studies, the job center can check if services as loan after § 27 Abs. Konntest du aufgrund von Corona noch nicht in dein Auslandssemester starten, so wird das Auslands BAföG trotzdem ausgezahlt. Students should thus not suffer any disadvantage from the situation. Häufig gestellte Fragen zu hochschulrechtlichen Sonderregelungen wegen der Corona-Pandemie mit Auswirkung auf das BAföG Für wen gilt die um ein Semester verlängerte Regelstudienzeit? Attention: Whoever takes a leave of absence is not entitled to receive BAföG. 3 SGB II are applicable. For harvest work you can check this new website: Part-time students, i.e. The current epidemic situation alone is not a reason for taking a vacation semester, as all students are confronted with it. This was regulated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in a decree issued to the federal states on 16 March 2020. students who have previously worked more than 20 hours per week subject to social insurance contributions. Full time students are excluded from SGB II-Services (see § 7 Abs. Ja, viele Bundesländer haben die individuelle Regelstudienzeit verlängert. However, funds for non-German recipients are harder to obtain and are generally limited to exceptional cases. You are then not allowed to do any academic work during a vacation semester of leave, for example. However, you will probably have to pay back the money you receive from the job centre later. At the moment you can best reach the advisors by email at Sozialberatung@swfr.de or by phone at 0761 / 2101-233. If you are in your 4th Semester and you don’t have the performance record ( Leistungsnachweis), you are going to ask yourself, how to get it. Please be aware of the current procedure of our job placement service. For more information visit our BAföG webpages (available in German only). An irrefutable reason must always be taken into account, even after the 3rd semester. The provisions detailed on this website will be modified depending on the situation. Applications must be submitted to the competent authority within three months of the cessation of the prohibited activity or the end of the segregation (quarantine). 3 BAföG in Form von Zwischenprüfungen und ECTS-Leistungsbescheinigungen. Das teilte das Wissenschaftsministerium in Mainz am Montag mit. "Berliner Studierende bekommen wegen Corona Semester geschenkt" Diese Überschrift finde ich ein klein wenig unangemessen. No general statements can be made about whether you have a claim because it depends on many factors. Damit wird zugleich die Förderhöchstdauer für BAföG um ein Semester erhöht. Information to our facilities and offers in times of Corona you will find here: Information about us and our offers during Corona times: Studierendenwerk Freiburg A. d. ö. R. Wiesbaden. German-French Exchange Meeting - We are looking for participants! 1 Nr. Weiterhin werden Studierende, deren Förderung aufgrund der Überschreitung der Regelstudienzeit eingestellt wurde, nun ein weiteres Semester gefördert werden. A ... in time for enrollment in a Master's program due to the corona situation, you can also be provisionally enrolled for the winter semester 2020/21 with a final transcript or a preliminary diploma. Sie möchten zur Diskussion beitragen? As long as no decisions has been issued for the Summer Term 2020, it is important that the application has to be submitted in April at the latest, . © Werbung Marketing & Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. The time during which universities remain closed due to the pandemic will be considered equivalent to semester break. Self-learning and online studies also count as study activities. Ist aber bereits absehbar, dass Sie aufgrund der Corona-Krise in Fristbedrängnis hinsichtlich Ihrer Prüfungsfristen (Regelstudienzeit + 4 Semester) kommen, empfiehlt sich, für das Wintersemester 2020/21 eine Nichtanrechnung des Semesters beim Immatrikulationsamt bzw. Otherwise the ALG II-Services are at risk and can be reclaimed. You can find the email adress in the info box under general BAföG consultation. For more information visit our BAföG webpages (available in German only).