road maintenance operations, lane blocked, until 30/08/2021 23:59, between Roodt-Syre and Flaxweiler road repair, closed, from 15/04/2021 19:00 until 16/04/2021 05:30, A1 Croix de Gasperich to Frontière Allemagne, between Croix de Gasperich and Kirchberg road construction, temporary traffic lights, lane blocked, until 16/04/2021 18:00, between Hosingen and turn-off road leading to Rodershausen L’Administration des ponts et chaussées procédera à des tests de scénarios incendie dans les tunnels Frisange et Mondorf sur l’autoroute A13 le dimanche 11 avril 2021 vers 10 heures jusqu’à environ 20 heures. Traffic information Traffic information. in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 20/05/2021 20:00 until 21/05/2021 02:00, between Altwies and Mondorf in both directions closed, road maintenance operations, from 14/04/2021 08:00 until 15/04/2021 17:00, Fermeture de la place de la Gare et du pont Jean-Pierre Buchler, du vendredi 26 mars 2021 (22h00) au lundi 29 mars 2021 (04h00), road between turn-off road leading to Luxembourg and Strassen road construction, road maintenance operations, closed, from 31/07/2021 06:00 until 02/08/2021 05:00, between Lorentzweiler and Waldhof road repair, closed, from 12/04/2021 20:00 until 13/04/2021 05:30, between Mamer and CR103 Die Grenzkontrollen werden mindestens bis zum 8. Reconsider travel to Luxembourg due to COVID-19. 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry L-1432 Luxembourg. disabled vehicle on the carriageway, between Mamer and Capellen closed, road maintenance operations, from 03/05/2021 19:00 until 04/05/2021 06:00, A7 Autoroute du Nord, Schieren to Jonction Grunewald, between Schoenfels and Waldhof in both directions road construction, lane blocked, temporary traffic lights, from 19/04/2021 08:00 until 16/07/2021 17:00, between entrance to the town and Rue François Dostert road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 06/04/2021 08:30 until 16/04/2021 midnight, between Rue des Sports and Rue des Champs in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until 21/05/2021, between N35 and Rue de Strassen Verkehrsinfos zu Ihrer regelmäßigen Strecke - HERE WeGo in both directions road construction, closed, from 11/01/2021 until 01/08/2021, between turn-off road leading to Bascharage and roundabout Niedercorn - CR175A Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. road maintenance operations, closed, from 13/04/2021 20:00 until 14/04/2021 06:00, between Waldhof and Tunnel Stafelter Who is concerned . ... We're sorry: no results were found for your search criteria.We recommend that you: Order certificates from the civil registry, Organisation and operation of political bodies, Development of public spaces through civic engagement – Placemaking, Declaration of residence – departure and arrival, Legalisation services and certified copies, Housing options provided by Luxembourg City, Building works: construction, remodelling and renovation, Enrolling in courses provided by the City, Connection to the gas and electricity networks, Add more keywords to increase the number of hits. Traffic news - Traffic information for Luxembourg All the information on real-time traffic conditions for Luxembourg with ViaMichelin. road construction, lane blocked, traffic problem, on 29/04/2021 from 08:00 until 18:00, between CR132 and Roeser | Stretching just 82km and 57km at its longest and widest points respectively, diminutive Luxembourg is a charming slice of northern Europe that consistently ranks among the world's top three nations in both wealth and wine consumption. Luxembourg to continue using AstraZeneca vaccine for all age groups. Vous souhaitez faire de la publicité sur ? Questions about AstraZeneca jab linger. road maintenance operations, lane blocked, from 13/04/2021 08:00 until 14/04/2021 17:00, Canton Esch-sur-Alzette, N13 Rue des Trois Cantons, between Dippach-Gare and Ehlange road construction, lane blocked, until 21/05/2021 17:00, A7 Autoroute du Nord, Jonction Grunewald to Schieren, between Waldhof and Schoenfels in both directions road construction, road maintenance operations, closed, until 16/04/2021 18:00, between Mertert and Wasserbillig road maintenance operations, until 09/04/2021 16:00, between Rue de Reckange and Rue de Neudorf Infobus; Sharing the road; Getting around at the weekend ; Accessibility; Bus FAQ; By bus . Lire la suite. Copyright ©2021 ACL Automobile Club du Luxembourg, This site uses cookies to simplify and improve your usage and experience of this website. road maintenance operations, closed, on 14/04/2021 from 09:00 until 15:00, between Colmar-Berg and Mierscherbierg Search. 08/04/2021 16:35. in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, until 16/04/2021, between Rue Mechtem and village exit T. +352 42 82 82 1 F. +352 42 82 82 38 E. Alle … This information will help to predict how the traffic will evolve in the near future. in both directions accident cleared, A6 Croix de Gasperich to Frontière Belgique, Croix de Cessange connecting road to A4 to Rond-Point Raemerich About Luxembourg. road construction, lane closed, observe signals, from 19/04/2021, entrance Burange all roadways cleared, between Bertrange and Dippach Explore Luxembourg holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. luxembourg Verkehrsmeldungen, Straßenbedingungen für luxembourg, Staus. in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 14/04/2021 until 16/04/2021, road between Pontpierre and Leudelange - CR163 Trafic-Info; Map of ongoing works; Tips for getting around . road maintenance operations, closed, on 10/05/2021 from 09:00 until 12:00, Between exit Belval-Gare and entrance Belval-Gare, road maintenance operations, closed, from 18/05/2021 20:00 until 19/05/2021 05:00, road between Belvaux - N31 and Belval-Université in both directions road construction, closed, from 06/04/2021 until 17/04/2021, A1 Autoroute de Trèves, Croix de Gasperich - Frontière Allemagne, between Flaxweiler and Potaschberg in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, detour in operation, until 31/07/2021, between N31B and Sanem Latest travel advice for Luxembourg, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK in both directions road construction, possible stopped traffic, until 31/12/2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre la jonction d'Esch-sur-Alzette et la Croix de Bettembourg, Chantier sur l'échangeur Sanem sur l’autoroute A13 et le CR 175, We are open from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm. Go back. in both directions road maintenance operations, closed, from 26/05/2021 22:00 until 27/05/2021 05:00, at Merl road repair, closed, from 16/04/2021 20:00 until 18/04/2021 21:00, at Croix de Cessange road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 07:00 until 29/04/2022 17:00, A13 Autoroute de la Sarre/Collectrice du Sud, Frontière Allemagne to Pétange, at Frisange road maintenance operations, closed, from 12/05/2021 00:00 until 14/05/2021 18:00, between Garnich and Dahlem road construction, lane blocked, until 30/04/2021 18:00, between Bei der Millen and Duchscherstrooss CITA : Accident op der A7 a Richtung Stad am Tunnel Grouft. Prenez contact directement avec notre régie publicitaire IPLuxembourg road maintenance operations, closed, from 14/04/2021 00:00 until 15/04/2021 23:59, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre les échangeurs Kayl et Schifflange en direction de Pétange, le 28 février 2021 vers 8 heures jusqu’à environ 22 heures, Chantier sur l’autoroute A13 entre les échangeurs Kayl et Schifflange, between Contern and end of road Lors d’un accident, chaque minute, chaque seconde compte et peut décider de la vie ou de la mort. As the wealthiest nation in Europe and one of the founding fathers of the EU, it’s safe to say little Luxembourg is punching well above its weight. L'application Info Trafic Luxembourg vous permet de voir en live les conditions de circulation sur les autoroutes luxembourgeoises. Luxembourg is one of Europe's smaller countries and although it's easily one that's overlooked when planning any European travel, it's one of the most - 11 Things To Know About Visiting Luxembourg - Travel, Travel Advice - Europe, Luxembourg, Luxembourg city - Travel, Food and Home Inspiration Blog with door-to-door Travel Planner! in both directions road construction, lane blocked, temporary traffic lights, until 16/04/2021 17:00, between Bollendorf-Pont and Dillingen road construction, until 31/12/2021, between Place de la Gare and N7a, Avenue J-F Kennedy Weekly review Covid incidence rate falls for all except 30-44 year olds. For further information on our use of cookies, please see our. Luxemburg: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (COVID-19-bedingte Reisewarnung) Stand - 08.04.2021 (Unverändert gültig seit: 01.04.2021) Letzte Änderungen: Aktuelles ( Einreise, Hygieneregeln ) road maintenance operations, on 16/04/2021 from 06:00 until 15:00, between Potaschberg and Flaxweiler From 29 January 2021, any person, regardless of nationality, aged 6 years or over, wishing to travel by air transport to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, must present a negative result at boarding. in both directions temporary traffic lights, lane blocked, from 13/01/2021 until 13/06/2021, between Goetzingen and Olm in both directions road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 until 16/04/2021, Mon - Fri between 09:00 and 16:00, between Schieren and A7, Schieren road maintenance operations, closed, from 05/05/2021 22:00 until 06/05/2021 05:00, between Rue André Duchscher and N3, Avenue de la Liberté road construction, lane closed, until 20/07/2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A6 entre l’échangeur Helfenterbruck et l’échangeur Strassen, Prise en service du boulevard de Kockelscheuer, Adaptations en matière de circulation depuis le 3 novembre 2019, Barrage de la bretelle de sortie de l’échangeur Strassen en provenance de l’échangeur Helfenterbruck jusqu’à fin 2020, Fermeture des bretelles d’accès et de sortie de l’échangeur Helfenterbruck de l’autoroute A6, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement de la bretelle de sortie N°7 de l’échangeur Hamm, N3 Luxembourg, Place de la Gare to Route de Thionville, between N56, Rue de Hollerich and Dernier Sol Schedules and real-time bus departures; Get directions; Routes and maps; Free public transport and exceptions; School buses; By car . Liveticker - Rolling updates Monday's national and international coronavirus news in one place. Consult the compulsory formalities for your personal vehicle. Follow the latest ACL News on Social Media. road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 09:00 until 16/04/2021 16:00, A6 Autoroute d'Arlon, Croix de Gasperich to Frontière Belgique, at Croix de Cessange If you ignore this message and continue without changing your browser settings, we will assume that you are consenting to our use of cookies. Traffic Coordination Points (TCPs) will be responsible for collecting and evaluating traffic metrics for a given area. View all ongoing works in Luxembourg City on an interactive map. in both directions road construction, closed, from 12/04/2021 08:00 until 17/04/2021 17:00, between turn-off road leading to Medingen and Moutfort in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, from 12/10/2020 until 31/07/2022, in both directions road construction, closed, detour in operation, on 18/04/2021 from 09:00 until 21:00, from 18.09.2020 at 22:00 to 21.09.2020 at 04:00, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement aux boulevards Jean Ulveling et Victor Thorn, Barrage des CR125 et CR126 entre Walferdange et le lieu-dit Stafelter, Du lundi 10 août à la fin du mois d'octobre 2020, Transformation provisoire de la rue du Fossé et du tronçon étroit de la côte d'Eich en Zone Objet Piétonne, du vendredi 31.07.2020 06h00 jusqu'au lundi 31.08.2020 18h00, du vendredi 24 juillet 2020 vers 20 heures au lundi 27 juillet 2020 vers 15 heures, Réaménagement du boulevard Franklin D. Roosevelt, du samedi 25 juillet 2020 au lundi 27 juillet 2020, Chantier sur l’autoroute A4 entre la croix de Cessange et l’échangeur Foetz, Chantier sur l’autoroute A1 à hauteur de la frontière germano-luxembourgeoise, du vendredi 17 juillet 2020 vers 11 heures au lundi 20 juillet 2020 vers 5 heures, Chantier sur le pont Buchler et la tranchée couverte entre la gare centrale et la route de Thionville à Luxembourg-Ville, à partir du dimanche 19 juillet 2020 et jusqu’au printemps 2021, Chantier sur l’autoroute A4 entre l’échangeur Leudelange-Sud et l’échangeur Leudelange-Nord, Chantier sur le CR231 (boulevard Raiffeisen) entre le rond-point Howald et le carrefour boulevard Raiffeisen/boulevard Kockelscheuer, Prochaine phase du chantier Luxtram à l’avenue de la Liberté, Renouvellement de la couche de roulement sur la N5 à Bertrange, Chantier sur l’autoroute A7 entre l’échangeur Lorentzweiler et l’échangeur Mersch dans les deux sens, Chantier sur l’échangeur Burange de l’autoroute A13, Chantier sur l’autoroute A1 entre l’échangeur Senningerberg et l’échangeur Potaschberg, between Am Peesch and Rue de Canach
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