November 9, 2017. May 15, 2017. 2) Bertelsmann uses BVA as a strictly defined key performance indicator to evaluate the profitability of the operating business and return on investment. Poverty prevention 17 2. Auflage 2018, 50 Seiten (Jahresabschluss). Zusammen bieten sie ihren Werbekunden integrierte Konzepte, um deren Marken oder Produkte von Print über TV bis hin zum Digitalen in allen Medienkanälen aufmerksamkeitsstark zu … Intergenerational justice 66 III. Social cohesion and non-discrimination48 5. Bis dahin will der Konzern die Treibhausgasemissionen, die an seinen Standorten, durch die Herstellung der eigenen Produkte oder durch die Mobilität seiner Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter entstehen, halbiert haben; die verbleibenden Emissionen werden ausgeglichen. Bertelsmann Stiftung - Annual Report 2017. Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.) Announcement of figures for the first nine months of 2017 May 11, 2017. Since our foundation was established 40 years ago, we have made €1.4 billion available for nonprofit activities. Financial Year 2017. € (31. This comprises setting targets across the Group, matters of cross-divisional coordination and collaboration, and transparency regarding the prioritized CR topics. Our 2017 Annual Report provides an overview of the topics we addressed and the outcomes we achieved. With almost five million copies sold in 2017 and a total of 121 weeks at number one on the “New York Times” bestseller lists since its publication in 2012, a movie adaptation lends new impetus to the popularity of the young-adult novel “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. The financial section of the report presents the key indicators in Bertelsmann’s financials, as well as detailed commentary on the Group’s business performance in 2017. Consolidated Income Statement in € millions Notes 2018 2017; Revenues: 1: 17,673: 17,190 – thereof revenues from contracts with customers: 17,455: n/a – thereof revenues from financial services Health 60 6. Publications. Building Alliances more . The increases in growth are expected to be spread evenly across industrial and emerging countries. Insgesamt hat Bertelsmann das Geschäftsjahr 2017 erfolgreich beendet und ist finanziell solide aufgestellt. Daniel Schraad-Tischer & Christof Schiller. Bertelsmann verzeichnete im Geschäftsjahr 2019 einen erfolgreichen Geschäftsverlauf mit weiterem organischen Wachstum und einem hohen operativen Ergebnis. Annual Report 2019. This development was accompanied by further strategic progress with Bertelsmann’s transformation into a faster-growing, more digital, more international and diversified Group. August 31, 2017. Genau das garantiert ihnen seit 2017 die Ad Alliance. 4 Financial Information Combined Management Report Financial Year 2017 in Review Bertelsmann recorded positive business performance in 2017 achieving r, evenue growth and increases in operating EBITDA and Group profit. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) estimates that global production will increase by 3.9 percent in 2018, compared to 3.8 percent in 2017. Phone: +49 (0) 5241-80-0 Fax: +49 (0) 5241-80-62321. €) stellen eine ausreichende Liquidität dar. Bertelsmann is continuously working on the strategic development of its corporate responsibility (CR) management. Announcement of figures for the first half of 2017. Annual Report 2019. Im Jahr 2030 wird Bertelsmann ein klimaneutrales Unternehmen sein. Methodology 80 IV. Announcement of figures for the first three months of 2017. Die Geschäfte von Bertelsmann verzeichneten im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2017 insgesamt eine positive Entwicklung. The solid global economic growth will continue. We welcome your ideas and suggestions! Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. It serves to emphasize the Group's global orientation and spotlights its worldwide successes.The report consists of separate image and financial sections that are combined in a slipcase. Dezember 2016: 1,4 Mrd. Financial Year 2017 in Review Bertelsmann recorded positive business performance in 2017, achieving revenue growth and increases in Operating EBITDA and Group profit. In the financial year 2017, Bertelsmann continued to make progress in line with these strategic priorities. This development was accompanied by further strategic Twenty-eight country profiles 89 Austria89 Belgium90 Bulgaria92 Croatia94 Cyprus 95 Czech Republic 97 Denmark98 Estonia100 Finland102 This involves Group-wide objectives, interdivisional coordination, collaboration and transparency concerning non-financial data. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Income statement for the financial year from January 1 to December 31, 2017 2017 2016 Notes € € millions Revenues (13) 105,392,327.53 104 Own cost capitalized 7,707.12 - Other operating income (14) 311,114,934.76 180 Cost of materials Cost of purchased services -28,005,529.09 -26 Personnel costs (15) The Annual Report offers you a comprehensive presentation of strategic developments at our company, as well as its economic situation. Group revenues rose by 1.4 percent to €17.2 billion … Payout of dividends on profit participation certificates for the 2016 financial year. In 2017, we spent a total of €90.2 million on our project work. The geographic core markets are Western Europe – in particular, Germany, France and the United Kingdom – and the United States. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaACarl-Bertelsmann-Straße 27033311 Gütersloh, Phone: +49 (0) 5241-80-0Fax: +49 (0) 5241-80-62321, Annual Report 2017 - Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, Annual Report 2017 - Entrepreneurship and Creativity, Annual Report 2017 - Financial Information, Annual Press Conference 2018 - Highlights, Annual Press Conference 2018 – Entrepreneurship and Creativity. €) bei einem organischen Wachstum in Höhe von 1,2 Prozent. Auch bei der strategischen Transformation hin zu einem wachstumsstärkeren, … Christoph Mohn (Chairman) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bertelsmann Acquires Full Ownership of Penguin Random House. Derzeit sind alle elf Mitglieder des Aufsichtsrats der Bertelsmann Management SE auch Mitglieder des zurzeit 16-köpfigen Aufsichtsrats der Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. If you would like more detailed information on specific issues or projects, please do not hesitate to contact our experts directly. Head of Communications Content. The highpoint was the ceremony held in Gütersloh Theater, with former German President Joachim Gauck giving the keynote speech. Building Alliances more. Annual Report 2017 5 Dear Readers, In 2017, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of our founding, which made it a year full of special events and activities. Annual Report 2018. The Group strategy comprises four strategic priorities: strengthening the core businesses, driving the digital transformation forward, developing growth platforms and expanding into growth regions. Januar 2017 wurde in einer außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Herr Bernd Leukert, Mitglied des Vorstands der SAP SE, Walldorf, zum weiteren Aufsichtsratsmitglied gewählt. Auch für das Jahr 2018 wird damit gerechnet, dass sich das Wachstumsniveau fortsetzt. Annual Report 2017 - Entrepreneurship and Creativity(PDF, 6,5 MB), Annual Report 2017 - Financial Information(PDF, 2,1 MB), Markus Harbaum Bertelsmann is continually reviewing the strategic development of its corporate responsibility (CR) management. Nearly 185 years after the printer Carl Bertelsmann printed his first book in Gütersloh, today's global corporation Bertelsmann marked a milestone in the expansion of its book business. Highlights 2019 Media. Annual Results 2017 Investor Conference Call Group profit – Group profit up by 5.4 percent, despite higher taxes due to improved operating performance 2016 2017 Change Commentary Operating EBITDA 2,568 2,636 +68 Profitable growth Depreciation & … Klimaneutral bis 2030. Der Konzern verbesserte sich bei Umsatz, Operating EBITDA und Konzernergebnis gegenüber dem Vorjahr und übertraf teilweise die zu Jahresbeginn getroffenen Erwartungen. Building Alliances more. The story of 10-year-old Auggie, who was born with a facial difference and now has to newly cope with the ups and downs of everyday school … Auflage 2018, 50 Seiten (Jahresabschluss) kostenlos; Download; Teilen; Drucken; PDF; In 2017, we celebrated our 40th anniversary, which made it a year of special events and activities. The Integrity & Compliance (I&C) department was created to manage the ongoing day-to-day work and is subordinated to the CCC in the organization. Watch the highlights of the Annual Press Conference here. Management Report Bertelsmann at a Glance; Combined Management Report; Report on Economic Positions Corporate Profile; Strategy; Value-Oriented Management System; Non-Financial Performance Indicators; Fundamental Information about the Group Corporate Environment; Significant Events in the Financial Year; Results of Operations This year's motto is "Our Global Success Story of Entrepreneurship and Creativity." The Combined Management Report will be published instead of the Group Management Report within the Bertelsmann Annual Report. The CCC submits an annual Compliance Report to the Bertelsmann Executive Board and the Audit and Finance Committee. Risks to the global … € (Vj. The highpoint was the ceremony held in Gütersloh Theater, with former German President Joachim Gauck giving the keynote speech. Die Ratingagenturen Moody’s und S&P stuften die Kreditwürdigkeit von Bertelsmann unverändert mit Baa1 bzw. On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, Bertelsmann presented and discussed its financials for the past business year at Bertelsmann Unter den Linden 1 in Berlin. empirical findings 2017 17 1. Social Inclusion Monitor Europe. As well as company information and an extensive financial section, the online report offers many extra features, including several videos and extracts. In 2017, we spent a total of €90.2 million on our project work. Werner J. Bauer Prof. Dr.-Ing. In 2017, we celebrated our 40th anniversary, which made it a year of special events and activities. 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013; Geschäftsentwicklung: Konzernumsatz: 17.190: 16.950: 17.141: 16.675: 16.179: Operating EBITDA: 2.636: 2.568: 2.485: 2.374: 2.311: EBITDA-Marge in Prozent 1) 15,3: 15,2: 14,5: 14,2: 14,3: Bertelsmann Value Added (BVA) 2) 163: 180: 180: 211: 298: Konzernergebnis: 1.198: 1.137: 1.108: 572: 885: Investitionen 3) 1.776: 1.262: 1.293: 1.601: 1.997 : Konzernbilanz: Eigenkapital: 9.119: … Insbesondere die unklaren Bedingungen des Austritts von Großbritannien aus der EU und die damit verbundene Unsicherheit könnten sich negativ auf das makroökonomische Umfeld von Bertelsmann … Christoph Mohn (Chairman) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner J. Bauer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Labor market access 35 4. Our 2017 Annual Report provides an overview of the topics we addressed and the outcomes we achieved. It serves to emphasize the Group's global orientation and spotlights its worldwide successes. Social Justice in the EU - Index Report 2017. Equitable education 28 3. Selected chapters from the Bertelsmann Financial Statements 2018 can be found here in digital form. 2 … Annual Report 2019. Bertelsmann anticipates that economic conditions will develop as follows in 2018. Bertelsmann ist ein Medien-, Dienstleistungs- und Bildungsunternehmen, das in rund 50 Ländern der Welt aktiv ist. Bertelsmann Annual Report 2017: Entrepreneurship and Creativity: At a Glance: Company Information: Bertelsmann Strategy: Financial Information: Combined Management Report: Consolidated Financial Statements: Corporate Governance: Report of the Supervisory Board: Boards/Mandates: Auditor’s Report: Responsibility Statement: Additional Information Joachim Milberg (until May 12, 2017) Der Konzernumsatz erhöhte sich um 2,0 Prozent auf 18,0 Mrd. Dezember 2017 in Höhe von 1,4 Mrd. Information about the international media enterprise and it's corporate divisions RTL Group, Penguin Random House, Gruner + Jahr, Arvato; detailed information for journalists in the Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA's Press Center as well as everything about Corporate Responsibility activities at Bertelsmann. Joachim Milberg (until May 12, 2017) Liz Mohn Hans Dieter Pötsch Program Committee. 1. Since our foundation was established 40 years ago, we have made €1.4 billion available for nonprofit activities. Annual Report 2017 The Annual Report offers you a comprehensive presentation of strategic developments at our company, as well as its economic situation. Bertelsmann operates in the core business fields of media, services and education in around 50 countries worldwide. Das Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft hat sich im Jahr 2017 spürbar beschleunigt. The complete Annual Report 2018 can be found here as a PDF flip catalog. Annual Report 2017 (PDF, 2,1 MB) Entrepreneurship and Creativity (PDF, 6,5 MB) 2017 Financial Statements for Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA (PDF, 1,8 MB) Interim Report 2017 … : 17,7 Mrd. Corporate Profile. 3) Taking into account the financial debt assumed, investments amounted to €1,244 million (2015: €1,281 million). Interactive Online Report The Bertelsmann Annual Report can also be accessed online at: As well as company information and an extensive financial section, the online report offers many extra features, including several videos, extracts and additional web links. Annual report 2020; Press; Careers; Newsletters; Deutsch; Enter Search Term Startseite. Annual Report 2019. 1. I&C supports the CCC in fulfilling its tasks and makes suggestions for necessary improvements to the I&C program. The highpoint was the gathering held in Gütersloh Theater with former German President Joachim Gauck as keynote speaker. Dennoch bleibt die Geschäftsentwicklung von Bertelsmann mit Risiken behaftet. Additionally, within the scope of a CR relevance analysis, over 150 … In 2017, such steps included the adoption of Group-wide environmental objectives. Bertelsmann Management SE’s Supervisory Board Committees 2017 Personnel Committee. This year's motto is "Our Global Success Story of Entrepreneurship and Creativity." BBB+ und einem stabilen Ausblick ein. Neben den Bertelsmann-Unternehmen Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland und Gruner + Jahr sind hier auch die Spiegel-Gruppe und Axel Springer mit an Bord. Building Alliances. Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 270 33311 Gütersloh Germany. On this page, you can access the latest Annual Report as an interactive online version or a PDF document, and/or order your personal printed edition.
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