But I was talking about the cast. Ich bitte Euch um sachliche Diskussionen zu diesem Film, mich hat er sehr berührt, nichts ist übertrieben. Zo začiatku to bolo trochu nezáživné, ale neskôr sa to vystupňovalo. Video: XL-Vorschau auf "Weil du mir gehörst" 12.02.20 | 01:18 Min. 2019 Directed by Alexander Dierbach. Both their bodies of work are alright without projects that really massively stand out. "Weil du mir gehörst" or "Because You're Mine" (accurate translation, anything with "belong to me" would have been too soft) is a German television film from 2019. Sympatický romantický film o dvoch ženách, ktoré zistia, že nemajú radi až tak svojich snúbencoch, ale akosi si našli cestu práve k sebe. Ist das Sorge- und Umgangsrecht noch zeitgemäß? WEIL DU MIR GEHÖRST (BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE) / Projection: ... Petit à petit, le film revient sur la relation toxique qu’entretiennent Julia et Tom et ses conséquences dévastatrices sur leur fille. Otevřený konec mě sice rozladil, ale hodí se tam. Česko-Slovenská filmová databáze © 2001-2021 POMO Media Group s.r.o. This also especially applies to Lisa Marie Trense, the child actress here. an ANKE GREIFENEDER, Vice President Original Productions … Normally I do not like her, but here even she was alright, even if her character is of course pretty unlikable. WEIL DU MIR GEHÖRST (SWR) Regie: Alexander Dierbach, Buch: Katrin Bühlig, mit: Julia Koschitz, Felix Klare, Lisa Marie Trense u.a., Produktion: FFP New Media GmbH (Simone Höller, Michael Smeaton), Redaktion: Claudia Gerlach-Benz (SWR) MFG-Star. Napište nám, Server hosting zajišťuje VSHosting s.r.o. Far less talented filmmakers have done it, so why not one or even of both of the two we got here. Julia Koschitz Merle Collet Felix Klare Lisa Marie Trense Jule Gartzke Teresa Harder Anja Nejarri Lutz Blochberger Monika Lennartz Rainer Laupichler Ina Cross Davina Donaldson Jochen Hägele Christian Hockenbrink Zora Thiessen. À voir chez vous. Všeobecné podmínky užívání a ochrana osobních údajů | Vývojáři | Weil Du Mir Gehörst. T. Talk-show #Flash Talk; Talk-show Certains l'aiment show; Talk-show La quotidienne; Talk-show L'émission pour tous. If there is anything to criticize here, then maybe that she does not really physically resemble either of her movie parents, but that was not a problem at all the longer the film went. They failed as a couple, but as parents Julia and Tom share custody of their daughter Anni after their divorce. Review by bena Pro. Als Paar sind sie gescheitert, doch als Eltern teilen sich Julia und Tom auch nach der Scheidung das Sorgerecht für die gemeinsame Tochter Anni. Weil du mir gehörst 2019 ★★★½ . Y. Talk-show Crac-crac. FAD – Fathers Against Discrimination a.s.b.l. See also . Last night it was shown again on a smaller television channel again during prime time. Block or Report. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Metacritic Reviews. Y. Talk-show En off. A deal-breaker for this movie really. | If you include closing credits, this movie is still slightly under 1.5 hours long and yesterday's version only ran for 85 minutes approximately with a pretty condensed closing credits sequence. O. Talk-show Y'a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d'avis ! As for the cast list, it is pretty confusing here on imdb because it is alphabetical. With Julia Koschitz, Felix Klare, Lisa Marie Trense, Merle Collet. Block this member This member is blocked; Report this review; on tv; with my mom; bena is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Welche Folgen hat es, wenn Mütter oder Väter nach der Trennung dem anderen Elternteil das Kind entfremden? Weil du mir gehörst. Join here. Ein gutes Sprecher: Karen KascheInhalt: Mia Holland will noch ein bisschen Spaß haben, bevor mit dem Studium endgültig der Ernst des Lebens beginnt. Talk-show Drôle d'endroit pour une rencontre. Nastavení soukromí | O. Talk-show Polonium. Koschitz I always like, although I am not sure if it is really because of her acting or her looks. Ses parents célèbres, son refus de faire The Voice pendant 10 ans, ses collaborations avec Slimane… Jeho exmanželka Julia sa s novou… Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Filming & Production submission guide. Directed by Alexander Dierbach. However, I would not be surprised if the latter was the case here because in all other areas almost this movie delivered really well-structured attention to detail. The director is Alexander Dierbach and he has been really prolific when it comes to German television projects in recent years, which may explain why his body of work is at least as big as the one by writer Katrin Bühlig although she is over a decade older. Veľmi citlivá téma. But I don't want to go too much into scientific matter here because I am not active in that field of expertise and cannot really judge if this was included because they were desperately trying to give this film further relevance or if this syndrome really applied here and was also depicted convincingly and accurately. Retrouvez toutes les infos sur le film Weil du mir gehörst sorti en 2019 - Synopsys, casting du film; notes et critiques des membres Parental Alienation Syndrom, PAS) nach einer Scheidung thematisiert wird. | "Weil Du mir gehörst" Diskussion a 962 membres. Weil du mir gehörst. Weil du mir gehörst (TV Movie 2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. There are so many family-themed German television movies with pretty weak child actors, but here you could easily see that, despite her young age, Trense is far from a rookie. (19.3.2020), Poněkud šablonovitý a zjednodušující, přesto působivý a bohužel zřejmě i realistický popis přeměny bývalé manželky v pomstychtivou svini. However, I'd say this changes with this one here and I am indeed pretty curious what they have coming up in the next years. There is even a specific syndrome mentioned from the scientific perspective that gives a name to why the mother acts the way she does and what the consequences are for her daughter. The two lead actors are Julia Koschitz and Felix Klare playing a couple who were once in love, have a child together, but they no longer are and this film is about their struggles with finding a solution for the issue when the dad can see his daughter. Showing all 3 items Jump to: Release Dates (1) Also Known As (AKA) (2) Release Dates Germany 1 July 2019 (Munich International Film Festival) Also Known As (AKA) (original title) Weil du mir gehörst: World-wide (English title) (literal English title) Because You're Mine: See also. Vo vojne rodičov vždy najviac prehráva dieťa... Tom žije po rozvode v spoločnej domácnosti s novou partnerkou a jej dcérou, stále je však aj milujúcim otcom pre svoju dcéru Annie, s ktorou sa stretáva cez víkendy. Sie greift zu einer perfiden Strategie, um Tom seine Tochter zu entfremden. User Ratings | Als Paar sind sie gescheitert, doch als Eltern teilen sich Julia und Tom nach der Scheidung das Sorgerecht für … (12.3.2021), Ta matka je spinava vypatlana svina svinska(12.3.2021). Apparently this was released last year already, but probably not too many saw it there because, as you can see from the photo here on imdb, the releases that most people that came across it so far watched was the one that aired on prime time mid-February this year, which means that if we take this one, the film is not even half a year old. Weil du mir gehörst - Der Talk zum Film. It looks like we don't have any Filming & Production for this title yet. Weil du mir gehörst (2019 TV Movie) Release Info. Je smutné, že rodičia môžu takto zmanipulovať svoje deti proti tomu druhému rodičovi a určite sa to nedeje len vo filme. ARD1 Film - "Because you are mine" (DE - „Weil du mir gehörst“ / FR - “ Parce que tu es à moi”) Click & Watch. Director. | Weil du mir gehörst : Exclu. Vo vojne rodičov vždy najviac prehráva dieťa... Tom žije po rozvode v spoločnej domácnosti s novou partnerkou a jej dcérou, stále je však aj milujúcim otcom pre svoju dcéru Annie, s ktorou sa stretáva cez víkendy. Weil du mir gehörst teljes filmadatlap, előzetesekkel, háttérképekkel és minden fontos film információval, ha szeretnél minél többet megtudni a filmről akkor az sFilm a jó választás an Regisseur HOSSEIN POURSEIFI für MORGEN SIND WIR FREI (WDR/ARTE) Hans Abich Preis. Awards Be the first to contribute! Weil du mir gehörst ist ein Filmdrama von Alexander Dierbach aus dem Jahr 2019, in dem das Phänomen einer Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung (engl. FAQ Talk zum Film "Weil du mir gehörst" | Video | Ergänzend zum Mittwochsfilm im Ersten vertieft der Talk das Thema Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung und lässt verschiedene Positionen zu Wort kommen lassen. Weil du mir gehörst!. The only other cast member I am familiar with is Teresa Harder. Really curious about her future too. Klare I have come across in other projects too and I think both did a pretty good job here. Publikumsgewinner: Der SWR Fernsehfilm „Weil du mir gehörst“ mit Felix Klare, Julia Koschitz und Lisa-Marie Trense wurde von den Fernsehzuschauer*innen mit dem diesjährigen 3satZuschauerpreis gekürt. Watched Feb 12, 2020. bena ’s review published on Letterboxd: wow, this was so frustrating to watch. Jeho exmanželka Julia sa s novou… Débat. Shows how well the writer and director did in terms of getting the best out of their cast. Summary: Just two years after their divorce hearing, Julia and Tom Ludwig are back in court. | Doporučujeme: překlady, reklama, Photo © Das Erste / FFP New Media GmbH / Martin Valentin Menke, Ochutnej novou "ČSFD 2021" s rozšířenou sekcí "VOD" s přehledem filmů a seriálů lokálních VOD služeb ;-), Všeobecné podmínky užívání a ochrana osobních údajů. External Reviews Driven by her hurt feelings, Julia begins to systematically alienate the girl from her father. Weil du mir gehörst ; Where to watch JustWatch. This time the judge has to decide who will have custody of their daughter Anni (9). has been created to become a platform of dialog promoting gender equality of chance for both parents, to stop violation of children’s rights and to assure their well-being. Cast; Crew; Details; Genre; Cast . From what I have seen here, I think both probably bring the talent to make a transition to the big screen. "Weil du mir gehörst" or "Because You're Mine" (accurate translation, anything with "belong to me" would have been too soft) is a German television film from 2019. Weil du mir gehörst (2019 TV Movie) Filming & Production. Provozovatel a redakce | Reklama a marketing | Doch Julias Gefühle sind durch die Trennung noch immer tief verletzt. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction .
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